Anna Båvner


Anna Båvner


Till minne av Anna Båvner

Familjens tanke är att alla som vill kan bidra med bilder och filmer som visar den levande Anna genom hela livet. Ni som har egna bilder som ni vill dela med oss andra kan ladda upp dem via funktionen längst ner på sidan.
Bilderna kommer inte att synas direkt utan vi lägger ut dem efter hand. Vi kommer inte att lägga ut några texter till bilderna men du kan skriva en kommentar till oss t ex om vem du är eller var bilden är tagen.
På så sätt kan vi tillsammans glädjas över det Anna gett oss i olika tider, på olika platser och i olika sammanhang.

Här finns information om Annas begravning.

Mats & Ingela

In Memory of Anna Båvner

We welcome all who feel like it to contribute with photos and films showing our beloved Anna at various periods in her life. Those of you who have pictures that you want to share with her family and friends can upload them via the function at the bottom of this page.
You will not be able to see your own pictures immediately as we are going to publish them thematically. We are not going to write any texts but you are welcome to send us information about your name and where the photo was taken.
In this way we will all of us be able to enjoy the living Anna and feel grateful for what she has given us all through her life.

Information about Anna’s funeral

Mats & Ingela

Do you have a memory of Anna you want to share?

Please share your memories of Anna with us and her many friends. Use the form to the right for uploading pictures and/or sending us a message. You can upload at most five pictures at once, each picture being max 5Mb. If you want to share a video, please add the URL to the video in the message field

We will not publish any texts or comments to pictures and/or videos, but we would love if you tell us something about your uploads. Like where and when pictures are taken, who the photographer is and/or if you have some special memory you want to share with just us.

We will review each picture and video before publishing.


    Anything else you want to tell us?
